This applies to any age group recreational cannabis users, but why young persons specifically? Because they are at higher risk of cannabis complications.

[I’ll use this opportunity to encourage you to read. If you are a parent I’d encourage you to encourage your kids to read down until the end]

As your healthcare provider, I might ask you this question; Are you on recreational cannabis?

Well, you said it, recreational not medical cannabis! It’s legal and I’m over 18/19 years of age, I can buy it, and consume it without a prescription, so why do you still want to know?

Because I have a duty to protect you and protect the public. Because you need to be educated about the use of recreational cannabis from the right sources, and how it will affect your health in the shorter or longer term. And because I care enough to provide you with some details.

Firstly, even if the minimum legal age to consume cannabis is 18/19 years (depending on your province), and you are older than that, but you are still younger than 25, then you are at risk.

Why am I still at risk when it’s legal to use it? I thought being above legal age means it’s safe to use

In this regard, “legal” is not equivalent to a checked out “okay” to medical safety.

Legal ≠ Safe

Let’s start with this straight forward fact;

There is no safer form of cannabis, if you use cannabis, then you are at risk, so the best way to avoid risk is to avoid use altogether!

If you are younger than 25 and you chose to use cannabis, then you are exposing yourself to serious health complications.

And, here is why;

One of the biggest problems that you might put yourself into, is permanently damaging your developing brain. Yes, you read that right; permanent damage. Unfortunately, you are still developing your brain during this period of time, and having interference like “pot-smoking” will cause structural changes to your brain, which will result in trouble with memory, attention and executive functioning, like planning and organizing.

Secondly, you probably know that marijuana is an addictive substance. Earlier use means a higher chance of having a cannabis use disorder. With every addiction, there are effects on daily life. Feeling high at the moment is temporary, but being dependant is life-changing, not in a pleasant way, unfortunately. You are letting an outside substance rule your life rather than your own will, so you might find it difficult to commit to studying, to school, and might have trouble with social relationships.

The longer you delay using recreational cannabis, the lower the risk is. So, postpone this decision to later, and avoid peer pressure. You might change your mind along the way as you mature.

Thirdly, if you know that you or a direct family member have a mental illness. Then you need to think plenty of times before starting to use cannabis. There is strong evidence linking cannabis use to psychosis, especially for the younger ages, heavier users, and those with a family history of the disease.

Fourthly, you must also know about the legality of driving while under the influence of cannabis and/or other mind-altering substances. If you are high on cannabis, you shouldn’t be driving a vehicle within 6 hours, or could be longer if you are still impaired. Impaired driver under the influence of cannabis has slower reaction time, less attention, and could dangerously put self and others at stake.

Using THC roughly doubles the risk of a car crash.

RX Files 2018

Fifthly, when it comes to which cannabis form or formulation is safer to use? The direct answer is there is a risk as long as it is any cannabis product. But, when it comes to which form is more dangerous, I’ll summarize it in a few points:

1- Synthetic or Natural cannabis?

Natural ✔

Synthetic examples are K2, Spice, incense, and potpourri. These are stronger and contaminated forms of chemicals, therefore, synthetic is more dangerous and is associated with severe health problems that could lead to death in some cases.

2- Smoking, Vaping, or Edibles?

Smoking ✘

Smoking is the most dangerous way of consuming cannabis because it involves the combustion of the plant and sometimes involves the addition of other dangerous chemicals like tobacco.

Vaping is a better alternative because it involves heating the plant, then inhaling the water vapor of it, which should be purer than smoke.

A deep and kept inhalation inside the chest is to be avoided especially with smoking

Edibles would avoid the lung’s route. but it is not risk-free.

Lung irritation and worsening of COPD symptoms are likely to happen with inhalation. Increased risk of lung infections is also possible. Another reason to avoid the use in the times of Covid-19! (and other respiratory infections).

And Lastly, there are two main cannabis ingredients that you need to pay attention to when looking into a recreational marijuana product:

1- Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC

This is the cannabis ingredient mostly responsible for the psychoactive mind-altering effects.

2- Cannabidiol or CBD

This is the ingredient most responsible for the analgesia (pain relief) and the calming effects.

There is a ratio between these two ingredients;


You should look for it on the product. The higher THC ratio over the CBD, the more dangerous the product. You should always opt to a higher percentage of CBD (and lower overall strength) because CBD could counteract some of the THC psychoactive effects.

In summary, here is a CANNABIS mnemonic for you to remember the above discussion:

C …………….. Casual use not frequent

A ……………. Age over 25

N ……………. Natural product not Synthetic

N ……………. NO to smoking

A ……………. Avoid use with mental illness

B ……………. Between CBD and THC, choose higher CBD ratio

I …………….. Inhalation deeply should be avoided

S …………….. Sober driving

Congratulations! You have gained your informed decision ☘

Resources and attributions: Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines. Essential Cannabis Knowledge for Pharmacists Certificate Program. The Globe and Mail article titled: What Canada’s doctors are concerned about with marijuana legalization. Smoking Man photoes: People photo created by kues1 –